Securing your data and devops environments has never been harder. As digital transformation accelerates and more of the business moves to the cloud, the job of cybersecurity teams has never been more difficult. With cloud deployments scattered across multicloud and hybrid environments, and touching nearly every facet of the business, it’s both harder and more important than ever to ensure that you have full visibility into all of your cloud controls.


So how do you get that visibility? It all starts with picking the right cloud security solution.

The market is awash in security tools promising to solve all of your problems and lock down your data.  But how do you pick the right one to entrust your organization with?


We’d recommend keeping the following things in mind any time you evaluate a cloud security solution.


Tips For Evaluating A Cloud Security Solution:

1. Simplicity: Does the tool reduce complexity, and work well with other solutions you may have in place? Does it make your work more efficient and allow you to do more with less?


2. Security: Is it constantly updated to keep pace with the latest threats? Can it show you vulnerabilities across your network?


3. Data Visibility: Is the data you’re getting from your solution explainable and open to analysis? Or does it go into a black box that leaves you to trust the conclusions reached without being able to do backwards analysis or forensics?


4. Scalability: Is it effective across a variety of use cases and platforms, such as endpoints, cloud and containers?  Can it solve for multiple problems, such as XDR and Cloud Workload Protection?

5. Support: Does the vendor have a reputation for being a partner to their customers, or will you be on your own once it comes time to implement and deploy?


6. Futureproof: Does the solution help you solve yesterday’s problem, or can it scale as your business and technology change to meet the needs of tomorrow?


Understanding Your Needs

There are many cybersecurity tools and solutions out there that can do a few of these things, but very few can claim all of them. Of course your mileage may vary for tool choice based on a few different factors such as: 

  • Size and maturity of your team
  • Scope of your existing security stack
  • Cloud-native or hybrid environment
  • Security needs of your organization
  • Compliance requirements
  • Organization’s larger business objectives and strategies

But in the brave new world of cloud native security where organizations are being forced to rebuild and rearchitect their cybersecurity from the ground up, looking for tools that can meet all of the above criteria will make standing up and optimizing your cloud-native security stack that much easier.


Uptycs Can Help

Uptycs is a leader in cloud-native security analytics, with plenty of experience being a partner to organizations of all sizes get the most out of their security investments, scale their security programs, and secure their cloud environments


Want to learn more about cloud security fundamentals?